Author: Jeff Chandler

An artists representation of a vehicle dashboard featuring a speedometer, oil temperature, and fuel gauge

The WordPress Admin Dashboard User Experience

The WordPress admin dashboard is where users manage a website’s content. It’s important to make sure this dashboard is easy for content creators, managers, and publishers to use. If it’s confusing or cluttered, they might not want to use it, and the site could suffer as a result.

One way to improve the dashboard is by creating templates for different types of content, so users have a clear starting point. Simplifying the main dashboard landing page by showing only the most frequently used options can also help. Additionally, organizing the sidebar and limiting unnecessary choices or actions for different user levels makes the process smoother.

Screenshot of NASA's WordPress website with welcome message

Behind NASA’s Web Evolution: WordPress, Block Editing, and the Solar Eclipse Traffic Surge

Lone Rock Point’s Stacy Holtz and Gary Kovar were guests on the 100th episode of the Gutenberg Changelog podcast, where they discussed NASA’s migration from Drupal 7 to WordPress and the block editor. Moving NASA’s content was a huge task, especially since some parts didn’t fit with the new design system. Andrew Norcross led the migration, which involved reorganizing content and dealing with outdated or duplicate information.